A worker-owned design research & communications strategy cooperative

We offer strategic design processes based in research and engagement. The deliverables we offer are defined as a part of that strategic process, and may include any number of multimedia offerings including:

  • Brand identities
  • Publications
  • Exhibits
  • Presentations
  • Submittals and Applications
  • Websites

Our toolkit includes:

  • Graphic design
  • Research
  • Copywriting 
  • Illustration
  • Document and Publication Design
  • Brand and Identity Design

    Who we are:

    Andrea Castro, co-owner
    (library enthusiast, always redecorating, proud void parent)

    Hester Tittmann, founder, co-owner
    (research nerd, built-environment-obsessed, aesthetically particular)

    ::Say hello@rabbitrabbitstudio.us

    Why “rabbit rabbit”?

    On the first of any month, say it first thing and you’ll have good luck. 

    We can’t guarantee it works, but if it doesn’t, we still do! (work, that is).

    Selected Projects

    Hood Design Studio (Oakland, CA)
    :: Collaborated on a cultural landscape research synthesis for the Bronzeville Center for the Arts. in-person research done in residency with Sara Daleiden and MKE>LAX

    Bottom Surgery: An Incomplete History (Online) 
    :: Research, writing, design and illustration of a trans history zine in collaboration with TRANS ARC (2024)

    Communities for a Better Environment (Los Angeles, CA)
    :: 10 Year Impact Report (2024)

    Our Health Matters (Philadelphia, PA and Dehli, India)
    :: Topline Research Report (2023)

    ART Architects (Boston, MA)
    :: Architectural retrospective and history exhibit at the North Haven Historical Society (2023)

    Jewish Youth for Community Action (Oakland, CA)
    :: Design and illustration of their 25 year Impact Report(2021)

    Participatory Budgeting Project (Oakland, CA and NYC, NY)
    :: Design of their Readiness Rubric for Participatory Budgeting in Schools (2020)
    :: Design and branding for their Case Studies Report for their Democracy Beyond Elections Campaign(2018) 

    Arab American Health Network Alliance (Boston, MA)
    :: Branding, website and social media strategy(2022)

    Jam Haw Herbals (Los Angeles, CA)
    :: branding and website (2021)

    Transgender/Non-Binary Surgery Allied Research Collective (TRANS ARC) (Portland, OR)
    :: STRIVE Study Participant Workbooks and Facilitator Guides (2024)
    :: Branding, website (2020)
    :: Best Practices one pager (2022) 
    :: Greatest Challenges one pager (2023)

    Other clients

    adrienne maree brown (Detroit, MI)
    :: Several illustrations for her forthcoming book, Loving Corrections (2024)

    Morelab (Berkeley, CA)
    :: Public art conceptual development and illustration (business now closed) (2019)

    Azeb M. Freitas (NYC, NY)

    :: Artist & Organizer website and logo (2023)

    Two Chicks in the Mix (Oakland and Los Angeles, CA)
    :: bi-regional small business website design (business now closed) (2021)